Monday, April 5, 2010

At what point,

does this become Ok? And really, Do I deserve this?


Brian Miller said...

some people live to be jerks. it makes them feel as if they have some little bit of power and it makes them feel better....small people...

Mumto5 said...

I love how people who know they are saying thoughtless, horrible, unfounded and immature things always use "anonymous". Because if they provided a name, the rest of the people who have hearts, compassion and common sense would track them down ( toss up between the lightsaber or the buzz lightyear guns).

It is NOT ok! You do NOT deserve it.

I feel sorry for people like that, they missed out on a decent upbringing, they weren't taught manners or etiquette . Probably didn't know love either. I keep getting the impression that it's the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons that leaves the nasty anonymous comments.

Nobody else would be that small minded and unstable!!!!!!

Love ya and keep your head high!!!!! Xo

Anonymous said...

Can you trace the IP address? I have people. Seriously. We will track this anonyhole down and feed their hollow, baseless, vicious loser-hood to the nearest barracuda.

Also, you can borrow these words, hell, you can totally own them. I wrote this in response to a hater of my own, and he/sh/it has never returned.

For what it's worth, you don't deserve this baseless attack. There is a 90% chance the individual is someone known to you. Try this: open up comments on your blog- try not moderating and let US deal with the anonyhole. We have our ways.

Seriously though, if you add statcounter to your site, you should be able to pick the lint off the loser's keyboard. No one is truly anonymous...

Sonya Graham said...

There is something seriously wrong with some people Tam, but trust me (and all your friends) when we say.. you done all you could. Seriously. Wonder if they would even come close to handling that situation as well as you and your awesome family did? Don't think so. They really need to get a life then to read about your personal life and leave cowardly anonymour comments, i mean.. how low can ya get!?

Chin up lovely!!! Your fantastic! xo

Amber said...

OMFG... Who the heck thinks that, let alone says that! Soo angry for you! Agreed, truly disgusting "person". *hugs* sorry you had to deal with scum like that!

Anonymous said...

Until they have experienced such losses, it is so easy for people to cast judgement and to think that these things will never happen to them. We are healthy responsible, educated, loving and longing parents that are certainly more deserving (than than your anonymous idiot) to raise children. Take Care. Amy

Catherine Clements said...

No, this is not OK. And no, you absolutely do not deserve this. You did everything humanly possible to try to save your daughter. You fought tooth and nail and not once was the white flag raised. You could not have done any more in those trenches or on that battle field. And for that you deserve to be acknowledged and applauded.

Anonymous knows this. Anonymous just wants to hurt you. Why does anyone want to kick a warrior when she's down? Only anonymous knows why.

And Anonymous knows that your army of friends and supporters will surround him or her like a pack of wild dogs and rip him or her to shreds if we ever have the chance. Hence the Anonymity.

Piss off, Anonymous. Take your cruelty and your bile and your venom and piss off. Leave Tam alone. Go and look in the mirror and ask yourself if you really want to be the person you are. The answer should be a no-brainer.

Unknown said...

Omg Tam..... that is just vile mean-spirited stuff. What an absolute rotten thing to post! I am speechless. Don't even give those sort of comments the time of day Tam. You are a beautiful strong fierce woman of God, you fought for Ariana with all you had, and loved her beyond words.

And to you Anon.... if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. If you don't agree with what Tamara writes to the point of needing to voice nasty comments - don't read her blog! I really hope that you get the help you need.

Ree said...

Tamm I just want to say that you definitely do not deserve that kind of comment from anyone. What a judgemental prick (and I've had to censor that from what I really think!). There's nothing I could say that noone else has but I just wanted to send you hugs.

lillicoi said...

OMFG....Tam i am horrified and so angry that someone would say such a thing. With everything youv've had to deal with you certainly don't deserve a comment like that. Big hugs xxx